How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Tell me the 5 most important moments of your life
Do you consider that the English classes has contributed in your life?
Would you like to be part of Familia Htours?
Part 2
This is one of the happiest moment in my life, so I want to share with you.
To find Familia Htours as changed my life.
I needed to speak English, because:
it was my dream,
It is very useful for my school.
Because I wanted to get better job.
Now I can speak English with my family in the USA.
I wanted to have an international boyfriend.
Because I want to travel around the world with Familia Htours
Don´t forget that everything is possible.
Now I know how to speak English.
I am Familia Htours
We are Familia Htours
Tu familia que viaja por el mundo
What is your name?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
How did you know about the English Classes of Familia Htours?
What did you think, when you started to study English?
Why did you wanted to study English? Give me your reasons.
What do you think about your English Teacher?
Do you think is a good teacher?
Would you recommend him?
Is there something that you want to say to your teacher?
Do you think that you have learned a lot of English?
Would you like to continue to study English?
Dear Friend,
I know that saying good bye, it is not easy, especially, when you have love in your heart for what you do. We want to tell you, that you are important for us.
The fact that you choose to be part of Familia Htours, to study with us, to follow our project, it has been a big blessing for all of our team.
We will never forget your videos, your effort, and your support. We remember the other day, when somebody said something bad about your English teacher, and you almost kill those people, who dare to say some against the project that you belong to.
We want to say thank you so much, for believe in yourself, because we only were the conduit to reach the goal that you wanted to finally speak English.
Never stop believing, and don´t forget that we are part of your family, and that good people are everywhere. the mission as human beings is to always help other people.
Mainly, you have to get into your heart and your soul that God is good all the time.
Familia Htours,
Herman, Luis, Alejandrina, Canelita and Gonz
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Have you thought about practicing English with a friend or somebody who speak English?
Would you like to learn to write stories of your life in English?
What do you think about having the opportunity to practice English in other countries?
Do you want to continue practicing English?
Part 2
I have a feeling that I don´t know how to describe. But the opportunity to learn how to speak English for free, it was such a great experience for my life.
I want to say that I feel so happy and excited at the same time. Because it has changed my life.
Since the begging I realized that it was very easy to learn. Nowadays my family is so impress about my advance.
Besides, I was in a English program of Familia Htours, for 6 months. I didn't have to pay anything, because the company made it for free, to help the families during the Pandemia.
Today, I want to say thank you, thank you so much, because, you make me feel part of this family. I know that I will travel with Familia Htours very soon, because God is good all the time.
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Would you have a wild animal in your house?
Do you consider that dangerous activities should be only for young people?
What do you think about people who jump from a parachute, walk with lions, and love rafting on the river?
Would you like to be part of an adventure that you will never forget?
Part 2
For a long time, I felt like an ordinary person. I never had the courage to realize that I could do anything I wanted to do.
When I had the opportunity to study English, I was so impressed about myself, that I was learning so fast, and that I was able to understand everything.
I was feeling so excited that I noticed that I have the capacity to achieve all my goals. Now that I know that I can speak english, I will continue studying and I will start new projects in my life.
I know that invest time in my projects is my best friend, persevere is the key to the success of everything. It is amazing to discover that you can do it, because God is good all the time.
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Have you ever betrayed a close friend?
Have you ever given your back to someone who needs you?
have you had a person that loves you unconditional?
Part 2
It is always important to make a stop in the way, to have the opportunity to talk to yourself. When you have time to think about what you really want for your life, give you a new opportunity to grow up.
For some reason, we become people that want to be right all the time, without having the opportunity of reinvent ourselves. The is a big probability that we are going to find many good things that are going to change our life.
The pursuit of happiness, is a task that we need to achieve everyday to teach our family and friends that everything is possible.
Today, that I had a new opportunity in my life to learn English, I can say that nothing is impossible, and that God is good all the time.
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Do you know where can I find the supermarket?
What would you do if get lost in a city?
Would you take a taxi or would you ask directions with a person?
What do you think about people who love to travel around the world?
Part 2
I have understood that life is amazing.
Sometimes we can get into many problems but if we get relax and think right, we are going to be able to discover that things are very easy if we don´t want to get complicated.
Some situations makes us to realize that the family is the most important key to happiness, besides, if we have health we find out that we don´t need anything else.
However, nowadays, everybody is into a lot of stress, so worry about the work, economy, and daily life, We have get into a different life style, with internet, social network, commitments and more.
It is always important to recall the purpose of life. Because, we were created to be happy, enjoy life and become the person we want to be.
In the middle of every situation I will remember that God is good all the time.
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Do you have a job?
What would you do if you get fired?
Would you look for a new job right away or would you get some vacations?
What do you think about companies that fire people because the situation?
Part 2
The last months has been very complicated. The situation hasn't gotten better. Many companies and business had to close, because everybody is scare about the pandemia.
The government made the decision to have a quarantine for a long period, before the humanity didn't even know what was the meaning of a quarantine, However, nowadays, everybody knows that we have to be inside the house, otherwise we are in danger to get sick.
Statistically, we know that many people have died for this illness, it has been very dramatic, but it seems the economy got worst.
In the other hand, hopefully, many people have gotten better, the countries have implemented different policies to help people, the doctors and scientists are working very hard to find the cure to end this problem.
I know that this is going to be over soon, and I have learned to value life and to know that we only have one life to live, so as soon as this is over, I will be traveling around the world with Familia Htours, and I will enjoy the life, because God is good, all the time.
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
Tell me something about yourself.
What would you like to share about your life?
What is your bigger secret about your past?
Would you like to do something different in your life?
Do you consider that to have a friend is important to share your life?
Part 2
When I was a child I used to play with my brothers and cousins, I remember that I had a great time, playing in my grandparents´house, I lived the best moments of my life, like christmas time and summer going to the beach.
When I was a teenager I started to have many good friends, this is the first time that I had the opportunity to go to places without my family, like going to parties and taking vacations.
I will never forget, when I had my first kiss with one of my best friends. I felt so good, and so happy, because new emotions came to my body and my soul.
After that time of my life I went to the university, it was like I was getting into a lot of responsibilities, I started working because I needed money to survive, and to pay for my expenses.
Last year we had a reunion with my high school friends, everybody was so happy, I had the opportunity to remember all the adventures we all had. I feel so grateful, because God is good all the time.
Would you like to go back in time and enjoy that time?
When do you consider is the best time to have a reunion with your school friends?
If you can choose two people from your past to go with you on a trip, who would you choose?
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
What do you think about somebody who speak differents languages?
Would you get impressed by somebody that speak more than two languages?
if somebody who speak English, French and other language ask you out,
what would you say?
Do you consider is important to learn another language to know about the culture of a country?
Part 2
Last year I went to Paris, this was the first time, that I get out of the country, I was so happy, and so excited to have the opportunity to travel and to know this city.
When I was in my country I was planning everything I was going to do, I wanted to go to Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame.
One of my friend´s friend was living in Paris, she was studying at the university for one semester, so she knew the city very well.
When I arrived to Paris, she picked me up at the airport, after that she took me to the hotel, to leave my luggage and after that she showed me the city.
I was so impressed about the champs elysees, when I saw the Arch of Triumph my heart started beating so fast. Besides the avenue was fantastic, it was like a dream.
I will never forget my trip to Paris, I want to get back, fall in love, and eat a crepe. I know I will make it because God is good all the time.
Would you like to go to Paris with me?
When do you consider is the
best time to go to Paris?
If you can choose two people to go with you to Paris, who would you choose?
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
What do you prefer to eat sushi or hamburger?
What would you say if your ex call you?
What would you do if your ex, ask you to get back together?
Would you get back to a relationship of your past?
Part 2
I have had relationship with different people. I feel grateful for what I have learned. When I was a teenager I probably lived the most passion relationship.
After that I met people that help me to change myself, at that moment I hated those people, but with the time, I realized that I was learning to find the right person.
Nowadays I have a very good relationship, that I thank God that I did´t end up with the wrong person for the rest of my life.
I can say that we sometimes have problems out the blue, however I´m the happiest person in the world, to have the family that we created together.
I know that God is good all the time.
What do you think about people who have very long relationships?
Do you consider is important to get married or it is not necessary?
What would you do if a person ask you to be the second wife or husband at the same time, because that person is rich?
How do you feel today?
How do you say ___________ in English?
What is the meaning of _____________?
Part 1
How do you feel when you are
about to finish a project?
What do you think about the advance that you had to learn how to speak English?
At the beginning, Did you think
that you were going to get this far?
What are you going to do after
you finish your classes?
Would you like to continue
practicing English?
Part 2
There are many things that help you to become a better person. One of those is to flight for your own dreams. Finding the right people on your way, make your life to become better. However, sometimes we can find people who are like a stone on your way to move forward.
Did you know that God is always in your way, that he never abandons you. I have learned that when you are in difficult times, you have to trust, and do what is in your hands, to make the situation better.
The life is a mystery, everyday we can learn something new. We have to be grateful, for every step of our path.
I would never forget, the good and the bad moments that I have had. Because, God is good all the time.
Do you pray everyday?
What is the name of God
that you believe in?
Why do you consider is
important to have faith?
When do you usually go to church?
Do you consider God is everywhere,
or Do you think is important
to go to a place to pray?
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